Asset Management

Organisations that use and rely on major capital assets depend heavily on optimising the end to end life stewardship of these.

This is necessary to ensure success for their businesses and is every bit as true regardless of if you are drilling for oil or if you are making paper cups. If a capital asset is involved then the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of output are all absolutely key.

As soon as we start looking at this we immediately face issues around the planned and actual operation of the plant. We face challenges around the reliability and maintenance of the assets and we uncover the true importance that the yield and quality of output play. There is an exteremely strong link and crossover between asset management and Lean and in this arena in particular. We will take our client on a journey of plant optimisation and leave them with the full capability to optimise their plant as requirements change in the future.

We help ensure your assets are working in an optimal fashion and through integration with our

Business Control capability allow an organisation to see their ongoing performance and help surface those vital opportunities to improve further and allow our clients to make good quality timely decisions to maintain plant performance.

We work with your people “lock stepped” together to transfer our knowledge and expertise giving you complete self sufficiency. We only view ourselves as having been successful if you can be independently successful.